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LED Outdoor P2.5 Slim Taxi Screen Temperature & Humidity Test

December 08, 2022

In order to better meet the needs of the outdoor mobile advertising market, Signic has recently developed a new taxi screen product – Outdoor P2.5 Slim Taxi Screen. This product is thinner and lighter, and has certain improvements in other performance aspects. In order to strictly control the quality of our products, we have conducted a high-standard Temperature & Humidity Test on our Outdoor P2.5 Slim Taxi Screen.

P2.5 Slim Taxi Screen

How to do a LED Outdoor P2.5 Slim Taxi Screen Temperature & Humidity Test?

LED Outdoor P2.5 Slim Taxi Screen Temperature & Humidity Test is carried out in a constant temperature and humidity chamber. When doing the test, we will put the SignicLED Outdoor P2.5 Slim Taxi Screen in a running state and place it in a constant temperature and humidity box for 30 minutes to one hour. After taking it out, the product can still operate normally to be a qualified product.

What is the constant temperature and humidity chamber?

Constant temperature and humidity chamber is a kind of experimental equipment used to test and determine the parameters and performance of electrical, electronic and other products and materials after high temperature, low temperature, alternating humidity heat or constant temperature environment changes. The humidity range of the constant temperature and humidity chamber is generally 30-98%RH, and its temperature range can be adjusted in the range of -40°C-150°C.

Why Signic focus on Temperature & Humidity Test when product Taxi screen?
  • When Signic developed taxi screens, it took into account the climate differences in different regions of the world. If it wants to sell them all over the world, it is also necessary to meet the climate characteristics of each region.
  • As we all know, the world is divided into frigid, temperate, and tropical. The climate of each temperature zone has its own characteristics.
  • The climate in the frigid zone is characterized by severe cold all year round and less precipitation. Taking Norway as an example, the annual average temperature is 7°C and the annual precipitation is about 740 mm. The taxi screen needs to be used in cold zone countries, and it needs to be able to be used in a low temperature and dry environment for a long time.
  • The climate in the temperate zone is characterized by cold winter and hot summer, large annual temperature difference, concentrated precipitation, and four distinct seasons. Taking Finland as an example, the average temperature in January in winter is about -4~-16°C.
  • Taking Mississippi in the United States as an example, the humidity is high from January to March, and the total precipitation can reach 400 millimeters. Taking Australia as an example, the temperature in spring and autumn is generally between 10°C and 20°C. In summer, it is cool and the sunshine is very long. It is rainy in winter and the temperature is between 6-14°C. If the taxi screen needs to be sold to temperate countries, it needs to meet the changing temperature and humidity environment of each country according to the seasons.
  • Tropical climate is characterized by high temperature, long heat period and strong sunlight. Taking Saudi Arabia as an example, the maximum temperature in summer can reach 55 degrees Celsius, and there is very little precipitation. The annual precipitation in most areas is below 100 mm. If the taxi screen needs to be used in this country, it needs to be able to be used in a high temperature and dry environment for a long time.

Slim Taxi led display (2)

                                                            Slim Type LED Display

Slim Taxi led display (1)

What is the advantages of Temperature & Humidity Test?
  • Adapt to the working environment: because the working environment of the taxi top led display is outdoors, and the climate and temperature of each country are quite different. If the waterproof and high temperature resistance of the taxi top led display is good enough, the use of the P2.5 Slim Taxi Screen will not be affected by the ambient climate and can be used in every country.
  • Extended service life: The P2.5 Slim Taxi Screen that has completed the Temperature & Humidity Test will not be unusable due to damage to product accessories after long-term use of the product in rainy weather or high temperature conditions. This can extend the life of the P2.5 Slim Taxi Screen.
  • Improve safety performance: One of the most important advantages of Temperature & Humidity Test is that it can improve product safety performance. Because of the moisture-proof and high-temperature-resistant products, accidents such as fires caused by short circuits are not prone to occur.